The Voucher Processing Team is responsible for processing Project Based Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) vouchers. Owners must submit a voucher to MHDC by the 10th day of the month prior to the month for which payment is being requested. Vouchers are electronically transmitted monthly through the Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS).
Vouchers submitted to MHDC by the 10th of the month will be processed so that monthly payments are made to the owner no later than the first business day of the month. An original signed copy of the paper voucher (HUD 52670) is required. Owner submissions received after the 10th of the month are reviewed and paid according to the date of receipt, within 20 days of receiving the voucher transmissions.
Owners and agents must ensure that 100 percent of the tenant certifications (MAT 10) used to support the monthly Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) vouchers have been transmitted to MHDC for review and transmission to the HUD TRACS data base. In the future, HUD will impose penalties if vouchers are submitted for tenants that do not have a current certification in the HUD TRACS Certification Query.
Owners and Agents should monitor compliance now so they will not be penalized in the future. This data can be reviewed in the HUD Secure Systems TRACS menu. If you are not currently registered to access the HUD Secure System, you can apply for user ID and Password at:
Additional information regarding General Guidelines for Processing Special Claims can be found in the HUD Occupancy Handbook 4350.3 Rev-1 Chapter 9-14.
Voucher Processing Forms