HUD Programs 


Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC) is responsible for the administration of several U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Programs for the state of Missouri. MHDC administers funding for the construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing through the HOME Program and National Housing Trust Fund Program. Additionally, MHDC utilizes HOME Funds for home repair assistance in outstate Missouri. MHDC will also be responsible for administering the HOME ARP stimulus dollars provided by HUD.

The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) provides assistance for street outreach, emergency shelter, homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing.

The Section 811 Program is new to Missouri and will provide project based rental assistance for extremely low-income individuals and families who are at risk of institutionalization or homelessness. 

The HUD Programs Department is also responsible for oversight of Section 3, Relocation, Environmental and Davis-Bacon requirements in collaboration with the Rental Production Department.