Relocation Requirements

Applicants seeking or receiving funds through programs such as HOME or the National Housing Trust Fund for the rehabilitation or demolition of properties with existing occupants must follow the Federal Uniform Relocation Act (URA) guidelines as well as MHDC’s Relocation Assistance Policy. HOME Program regulations, such as requirements for serving low-income households and maximum subsidy limits, also apply to HOME-funded developments.

Applicants seeking or receiving 4% or 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), MHDC Fund Balance, or MHDC Risk Share financing for the rehabilitation or demolition of properties with existing occupants must follow MHDC’s Relocation Assistance Policy and the standards of RSMo. 523.205 for the temporary and permanent displacement of these residents.

MHDC Relocation Forms

HUD Forms - Residential

HUD Forms - Nonresidential

Reference Documentation

For Additional Information, Contact Us.