Missouri Housing Development Commission

History and Mission

Missouri Housing Development Commission is dedicated to strengthening communities and the lives of Missourians through the financing, development and preservation of affordable housing.


The Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC) was created in 1969 by the General Assembly and is an instrumentality of the state of Missouri, which constitutes a body corporate and politic. MHDC administers, and provides financing for the rehabilitation and construction of affordable housing. The Commission also provides funding for home loans to qualified, first-time buyers through a network of certified, private mortgage lenders. Mortgage financing is facilitated through the sale of mortgage-backed securities and through the sale of tax-exempt bonds that the Commission is authorized to issue.

The Commission administers the federal and Missouri Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) programs, the Affordable Housing Assistance Program Tax Credit (AHAP), federal HOME funds, National Housing Trust Funds, Missouri Housing Trust Funds, Emergency Solutions Grant Funds for the state of Missouri. The Commission also provides advisory, consultative, training and educational services to a network of non-profit housing organizations in the state.

The Commission includes the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State Treasurer, Attorney General and six persons appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate.