Total Persons Experiencing Homelessness

This dashboard summarizes annual HUD Point-in-Time (PIT) homeless counts for the years 2018-2022 in the state of Missouri. Total counts are broken down by Continuum of Care (CoC) region and are further segmented by gender, race and ethnicity, and subpopulation. Subpopulations are divided into adult and youth groupings. Adult subpopulations include Veterans, persons diagnosed with serious mental illness, individuals living with HIV/AIDS, survivors of domestic violence, and chronically homeless individuals or families - those experiencing long-term homelessness with a disability that impedes the ability to live independently (see Youth subpopulations comprise unaccompanied youth (under 18 years old or 18-24 years of age), parenting youth (parent or guardian under 25 years of age with children under 18 years), and children of youth (accompanied by parent/guardian).

Data Source:  PIT data (HUD) by CoC and State
Years: 2018-2022